Cataract is clouding of normal clear crystalline lens of the eye. It leads to decrease or loss of functional vision. The Normal human eye has a transparent living lens inside, similar to the lens of a camera,which focuses light onto the retina,thus allowing us to see objects clearly from all distances.

What is Cataract & Intraocular Lenses?

Cataract is clouding of normal clear crystalline lens of the eye. It leads to decrease or loss of functional vision. The Normal human eye has a transparent living lens inside, similar to the lens of a camera,which focuses light onto the retina,thus allowing us to see objects clearly from all distances.

What Causes Cataract?

  • Age related (Senile Cataract)
  • Diabetes
  • Congenital
  • Medications, especially steroids
  • Eye diseases
  • Injury
  • Long term, unprotected exposure to sunlight


What are all the Symptoms of Cataract?
  • Painless blurring of vision
  • Difficulty in driving & Reading
  • Double vision in one eye
  • Glare or light sensitivity
  • Frequent change of glasses
  • Poor night vision
  • Near total vision loss affected eyes

At Chakshu Chikitsa Hospital cataract operartion is done by advanced Phaco machine and lense implantation is also done by senior and experienced doctors.